Breaking the Bias for Women through Batik

International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8th March is a time to celebrate all the achievements and progress made by women in the advancement for gender equality. It is also a time to appreciate all the strong women in your life - whether it is your mother, wife, sister, friends, as they work hard towards their goals and bring meaningful change for their families and communities.

This year’s theme for IWD 2022 is #BreakTheBias as we strive to achieve a more gender equal world, a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination, a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive, and a world where difference is valued and celebrated.
This ideal is a perfect picture of Batik Boutique - a social enterprise was founded from a friendship of two women to support one another. The founder and CEO of this woman-led business, Amy Blair, created Batik Boutique in order to provide a more equitable opportunity for women and those from marginalised communities to become financially independent by empowering them with job opportunities, sustainable income and marketable skills.
Not only that, these communities are creating beautiful products from batik, a cultural heritage in Malaysia. This makes their employment more meaningful as they are also contributing to the preservation and thriving of the art of batik.
Through this effort, the artisan communities are growing with more batik artists and seamstresses joining so they can provide sustainable livelihood for themselves and their families. To date, we have trained over 150 women and provided opportunities for them to break the bias in their own lives.

In celebration of IWD, we are partnering with Red Allure, another female-led enterprise with a new, limited gift set called “Red-dy To Go” set. The set includes a batik zip pouch, Red Allure’s lip lacquer and a hand sanitiser - a perfect gift for any woman to stay organised, ready and safe on the go.

Batik Boutique is also offering a special 15% discount on all women’s apparel from 1st to 15th March 2022. This applies to both in-store and online shopping by using the code IWD15.
Happy International Women’s Day!