Ana - A Glimpse into the Life of One of Our Seamstresses

Ana - A Glimpse into the Life of One of Our Seamstresses

Siti Rohanna bt Jamhari (Ana) had never sewn a stitch in her life before coming to the Batik Boutique to learn in our sewing centre where trained seamstresses conduct classes to teach the women different techniques and methods on various fabric types. Her newfound dream is to become a professional seamstress with all of the skills she is learning. She aims to become faster, increase the quality of her work, minimize mistakes and grow in knowledge in order to more fully realize her dream. Before beginning our training program, Ana had a completely different set of dreams. This opportunity has opened the door for her to put the skills she has learned to use while earning a profit. Her favorite part of the job is sewing all of the different products that the Batik Boutique sells from high quality coasters, to useful aprons to decorative throw pillows.

By providing Ana with a sustainable income source, she is able to provide for herself and her family. She values this privilege as given from God and is currently doing everything in her effort to improve herself and make the most of her time. Ana is working towards her dream with determination so that one day in the near future she will be completely financially stable. She counts her progress towards this goal and newfound income as a miraculous blessing. In fact, Ana is generally positive about any situation that comes her way and always makes the most of it. She can’t even decide on a favorite sewing project because she likes them all so much!

When Ana has any spare time she enjoys spending quality time with her family, cooking sweet desserts (her specialty is chocolate cake), and watching television. She also loves taking her children to the playground and going to the mall with her loved ones. Ana knows that she has a lot more progress to make before her dreams come to life but is encouraged in her journey by the support and contribution received this far. A purchase from the Batik Boutique is a purchase from women like Ana who need a sustainable source of income. Ana is one of the seamstresses currently employed at the Batik Boutique; she is the face behind our fashion.


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